Thank you for raising these basic questions. You are seeking statistics that any serious researcher would demand to know if studying any field not permeated with ideology. I've seen sufficient stories to convince me that your final paragraph is spot on. Instead of getting real information, concerned parents are being abandoned to fend with their teenagers who are getting their "facts" from transgender cheerleaders on social media. This is not an environment where serious decisions should be made, especially decisions leading to permanent sterility and other potential damage. I recently spotted an CNN puff piece where the only statistic they want to make clear is that lots of teenagers are transitioning, and that it is "natural" and "normal." This is what passes for discussion in 2021. https://dangerousintersection.org/2021/05/19/cnns-puff-piece-on-transgender-issues/

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These people decide what the "study" is going to say beforehand, and then design it to say what they want to say. It's irresponsible to the point of being scandalous.

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Verified Customer

Lynn Meagher is a liar, an abuser, a threat to the community. She has several unmedicated mental health / personality disorders that she refuses to get treated while all the rest of us paid the price for 20 years. Meanwhile she thinks she's qualified to tell other people they can't take their medications either even if they want them. Lynn is a poopoo peepee dumb dumb bad humanbeing and I hate her.

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This was an Outstanding Article to Call All of Society to a Reality Check About Their Epic Denial & Catastrophic Destruction of the Most Important & Vulnerable People in our Society...Our Children!!!

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