This is so true and so close to my heart. My son was in his mid twenties when he decided he was really a woman, having left home, married, emigrated and become a father by the age of twenty and not long afterwards gone through a bitter divorce and cut off from his little son. I have no influence and no standing at all in the eyes of society. I'm seen as the failed mother who can't let go, who refuses to accept his "real" self. My beloved troubled boy that I know so well and tried so long to help and may never see again. The law is not on our side. We are on the sidelines, heartbroken, helpless.

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I feel heartbroken and helpless too. I tried hard to protect my youngest child from the deception. That feeling of having no influence in society seems very unfair. We are right, society is wrong. You are not alone.

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You give it up, you lose it. Very simple.

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Thank you for writing the truth. If only the professionals in this country cared enough to do the same.

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The professionals I met did not have the power to care. The laws have squashed common sense out of the system and created a self serving institution that has lost its way. Underneath people with power are managing a eugenics plot. Males in charge are judging that testosterone is a harmless drug.

For instance my son (biologically male) said that the testosterone had to be posted onto his sister (legally male) “urgently”. I said t is a drug. He replied no it is a hormone, he has it. So he could not understand that it might be harmful.

At this rate, testosterone will soon be available in supermarkets. There is no awareness amongst professionals that testosterone could be dangerous. Yet if we look around us, most violent acts are committed by people with high levels of testosterone.

Another example of common sense having become extinct.

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Waaaaahahahahahaha. Cry, Cry, Cry, Cry. Tears for my morning coffee cup. Poor sad TERF. Go fly to another state and beg them to take trans healthcare away. That'll show that dumb kid of yours. Supermarket T would be dope, I hope at some point they just start carrying hormones in the weed shops, we could get different flavors and vapes and stuff.

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Vaping estrogen would be based.

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Yep I've read theory - not impressed.

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Unfortunately, puberty is often only the "pre-wash cycle". Most body-medical transition measures take place when the kids from 18 can sign everything themselves. This is a very stressful time for parents because they can no longer influence anything.

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They have absolute power, no matter what their mental state. Seems nobody cares about them.

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*adults from age 18 can sign everything themselves.

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No worries, I'm organizing with others to provide homeless trans youth with healthcare. We just did a holiday toy drive and got tons of makeup, winter gear, clothes, money, food, and survival gear. Next up were trying to get our hands on bulk puberty blockers. Be mean enough to your transkids and we'll make sure they have healthcare one way or the other. Have a good day!

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You are part of a eugenics plot?

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I'm part of an arming trans people, queers, women, the homeless, Black people, and undocumented minorities and building communities and coalitions plot. What have you done with your life?

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you say you are ... you may think you are ....

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Before you think of reporting me for operating unlicensed medicine, please consider I am homeless and live with a feral pack of anarchists and we move place to place so you actually will never find me and even if someone did it would be like opening a trash can with a feral racoon inside.

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btw, you called it a trans cult, I guess that's fair a lot of us wear all black, have chants and songs we sing together, practice rites like marching against fascism and tagging shit up, and having candlelight vigils for our fallen (which are usually brutally attacked with teargas), share common beliefs and values (although we come from and practice all different religions, have all different sexual orientations, and meet together often to share meals and plan our revenge on the world, although unlike cults we reject hierarchy and organize our efforts horizontally and through friends of friends so I guess "I lost 3 kids to militant queer unitarianism and my own desire to reject them" would have been more accurate.

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Planned Parenthood has returned to its eugenic roots. I wrote them a letter months ago saying I would never give them another nickel while they dispensed wrong-sex hormones. They've strayed FAR from their mission to provide reproductive health. It's disgusting and I hope that when the pendulum swings the other way, a new reproductive health care organization that prides itself on being truly a reproductive health organization and different from Planned Parenthood arises from the ashes.

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Every fund raising letter I get from ACLU, Planned Parenthood etc I mail back with bold letters opposing outlining erasure of women and children . One day they’ll wise up and take me off their mailing list.

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Now THAT is a campaign that need to spread. SO. I’d like to see your ACLU letter. How do we connect. I also think we need to look at Southern Poverty. They have gone off the rails too.

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Haha write all the letters you want to Southern Poverty. Half the staff are us.

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I hate ACLU too because they enabled the violent unite the right rally in Charlottesville and did it again with the Straight Pride rally and Westburogh Baptist. 💯Garbage Org.

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Hmm... are you suggesting Planned Parenthood is engaging in a secret eugenics plot to replace you? Does this sound about correct:

"We must secure an existence for our people and a future for cis children?"

Amazing how far the Overton pendulum swings when you start to indulge in transphobia.

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Please tell me where I can join your support group Lynn. I’m not doing well and no one I know can relate to what I’m going through. Sorry to sound so desperate but I’m losing my battle of staying strong enough to see my way through this on my own.

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Email me. Parentsupprogd@gmail.com. I’m sorry. No one should do this alone.

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I am so glad that I found your information, Lynn. Do you have a Facebook page?

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Hi Patty, Just wanted to offer this info which I've copied from my comment above... There is a Catholic support group for family and friends of LGBT persons. It's called EnCourage, and the group obviously does not support the transgender *lifestyle*, but totally supports all LGBT *people* and their loved ones, and offers lots of support to family members, as well as help in loving their kids (even from afar), praying for them, and giving strategies to help draw them gently out of the lifestyle when possible. Hope this is helpful. God bless you & yours! The upcoming new year can be a good fresh start for all of us.

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Dec 29, 2021
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God bless you

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God blessed me with the perspective to become an outsider to the crazy cult circle I grew up in that y'all are still swirling down to the bottom of alcoholism and painkiller pill addictions while you sit spinstering alone with no family to visit because you rejected them all. Happy dreams.

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Jan 3, 2022
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I'd also like to point out that most of the gospel it never said anything about Jesus having a home. Just walking a long ass way from town to town and staying at other people's houses. Jesus was a Black homeless rafical. Probably would have provided water wine for antifa. u lot would definitely vote to ban him from camping on your sidewalk. You are all so fake

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Planned Parenthood dispensing wrong hormones is a form of contraception. Eugenics.

The vulnerable youth of society are being targeted by the transgender ideology which is nothing but a deception. The intention is to encourage them to self sterilise.

Who is responsible for this?

Pharmaceutical companies? Government intent on depopulation? Nobody is taking responsibility or showing any ethical concern. Except parents.

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BTW, with a mom like Lynn and the generation before her, all of us decided we wanted to self sterilize because there was no way we were going to be ready to raise our own kids any time soon and we didn't want to continue the chain of abuse. That's fine though.. I had an education career for a little while, lots of kids came out to me as non-binary or binary trans. I was always super supportive of course and encouraged them use the arts/crafts materials in my room to make posters celebrating themselves which I hung in my room. One of my non-binary students 3d printed a bracelet of rainbow colored snakes. The walls were covered in paintings It was a beautiful place. Now i'm just mom to the half of Portland that doesn't have a roof, and the brilliant, brave, strong kids you idiots throw out. I find great things in the trash.

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For your information, parents do not throw their children out. People like you kidnap them.

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Jan 3, 2022
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I believe nothing of what you have written. I know that children when mentally ill do not see reality as others see it. The biggest lie of all is pretending to be the opposite sex. So who is telling the truth? I know my daughter embraced the world of lies, a very slippery slope involving the invention of a false past to justify the claim she had been a tomboy. She did not need to do that as changing gender now is far too easy. All those “homeless youth” were kidnapped mentally.

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When a parent is literally telling their kid who still lives at home with them not to say "i love you" and not saying it to them and basically just trying to keep them restricted to their room, almost all interaction is to either (A) chase the child around the house with a raquetball racket, (B) break the bedroom door, (C) tell them they are ugly, and then tell them to lie in order to be able to get into the Air Force and then the Navy so they can just be gone forever what do you call that? I'm proudly trash.

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Sounds like you have a few difficulties understanding reality

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Or do you mean I "Kidnap them with love bombs", i.e I'm polite and offer supplies, services, and social events?

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OMG it's the great hormone eugenics replacement conspiracy! Let me guess.... (((JEWS))) are working with (((DOCTORS))) and (((ANTIFA))) to replace adult human females with (((TRANS PEOPLE))) so they can (((ATTACK AND DETHRONE GOD)). You dogwhistle much Peg? Go watch some more infobores.

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Wrong guess. Try again

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My daughter just turned 18 two months ago and has already obtained a prescription for testosterone. I keep trying to pick myself back up and move forward after years of trying to get her to desist or at least focus on other aspects of her life and mental health, but she is laser focused on all things transgender. My heart has been broken over and over for several years but this one has me feeling more helpless than ever.

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You aren’t alone. Feel free to email me parentsupprogd@gmail.com if you want to talk further.

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NOOOOO... They're going to BE ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!! MUWAHAHAHAHA! I hope I have the pleasure of arming your child with their choice of pepperspray, baton, or State/Local legal knife and/or combination of the above.

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Some people just do not understand that a girl is female and t does not fix mental illness. Our daughters are addicted to the power t gives them to trample on others. The problem stems from the “male brain theory of autism” being taken literally. Girls think that because they think like a male therefore their bodies should match. Problem is we humans do not have as much power as some think. The laser focus is frightening. We used to recognise this as a warning sign of mental illness. It is an addiction. T needs to be a controlled drug as its effects are dangerous for women.

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That laser focus on all things transgender shows us the cult like pull it has in our vulnerable youth. A friend advised me at that time to protect myself. If we try to stop them or persuade them to desist, they attack us. Just as a person with dementia does if you challenge their delusions. Their reality is all that matters.

You are not alone in being broken hearted and feeling helpless.

Testosterone is highly addictive for our daughters who feel empowered by it. Their gentler feminine caring nature disappears. My daughter admits she seems to have ADHD. Wonder if that is worsened by the testosterone. Certainly she has more energy for walking. No time to talk to her mother or show any respect. The lack of empathy is related to the underlying autism. Not showing empathy is seen as a masculine trait, so she probably feels that she fits in better as a “male”.

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No, you're literally rejecting your own kid over and over every day and saying things to them that they told you were hurtful. It doesn't matter if YOU think it's hurtful, you don't own THEIR feelings. You're making the choice every day to push your kid further and further away and someday they'll stop trying to come back, or maybe they'll be like me and come back 20 years later with a bunch of anarchist hommies and a whole blog thread full of common sense replies. You don't get to choose if your kid is trans, just if you want to accept, love, and appreciate them for who they are. If you can't do that then they are better off without you. Get well.

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Really sorry you feel like that. Being trans is a harmful reaction to life’s difficulties. I wish society would be honest and allow people to just sterilise themselves without believing that taking cross sex hormones makes one the opposite sex. Eugenics has been around for a long time and just has a new name “transgenderism”.

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Rejecting your trans kid is a really good way to get a radical trans anarchist by the way, so thank you for helping antifa gain a new hommie. I love my trans men comrades!

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It is good to be able to love people. She has already joined some sort of anarchist thinking group, judging by the logos on her clothing. So maybe you already love her. Thanks

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Dope. Keep working on that! Remember, dinner doesn't always turn out the way you expect but sometimes the surprises make for the best meals and if you try to fix it you'll ruin it and it'll end up in the trash before it's time. Just a little parable to think on.

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Thank you Lynn for talking sense. We need to talk about what will happen to our daughters when they discover they have damaged their bodies. Rejected family might not be around to pick up the pieces. The psychiatric institutions that used to care for trans people will not care for them because being trans is now normalised. The law will say that they are not mentally ill. There will be so many of them that any health service would be overwhelmed if it attempted to care for them. Just like a pandemic, transgenderism is spreading,

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You should talk about what you're going to do when you realize you've alienated your family and friends and damaged your own minds and died inside.

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Have you ever considered what the roots of the transgender insanity are? My faith (Catholicism) teaches that its modern roots are in contraception and abortion, which have almost severed the psychological link between sex (i.e., "gender"), sexual activity, and the procreation of children. I'm not here to push this at anyone, just to offer it in love and respect, as an idea to reflect on.

Also, there is a Catholic support group for family and friends of LGBT persons. It's called EnCourage, and obviously does not support the transgender *lifestyle*, but totally supports all LGBT *people* and their loved ones, and offers lots of support to family members, as well as help in loving their kids (even from afar), praying for them, and giving strategies to help draw them gently out of the lifestyle when possible.

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Sadly true, the insanity stems from the disconnection between sex and procreation.

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Hahahaha hello 15th century you're missing your village idiot.

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Please explain? My trans child is 22 and has been sterilised because she is an idiot? The trans ideology has arisen as a eugenics plot. Just chaos to talk about males being females. Makes no sense. The law has lost its protective function when it allows males to pretend to be women, without reasonable justification.

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You are the idiot "the disconnection of sex and procreation" GREAT FEMINISM!!

Enjoy life without your kids in it, which was completely optional on your part and not required to complete any of your own personal religeous objectives. It's not like you were going to go to hell for being nice. Admit that you really just never wanted your children and they were an unwanted burden to you. Anyways, congradulations on your son's surgery and I hope your taxes paid for it.

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Nonsense, sorry you do not make any sense to me.

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Which part? Did God put a gun to your head and say you had to reject your trans kids and be hurtful to them or you would go to hell?

Also separating procreation from sex through contraception and abortion is a fundamental feminist achievement effecting all areas of life from home to work and enabled many more women to peruse careers (if an individual happens to be into that capitalism crap ), and achieve higher levels of education and happiness, you should probably know that if you call yourself a transexclusionaryradicalfeminist.

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This is coercion: "assaulted with demands that we suddenly ascribe to beliefs we don’t have. Our children have a new belief system, and so we are supposed to radically alter ours in order to accommodate it.

We are told that unless we call our sons daughters and our daughters sons we will never have a relationship with them again. In other words, we have to lie, or it’s curtains, mom."

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Never know whether the trolls in the comments are fools or agent provocateurs .... thx for this article Lynn - it's the truth.

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I am sorry that I missed this article until today. Its power is intense.

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You should oppose it no matter what the law says. Never give in.

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Nov 2020our son older adult moved out april 2021 he told us always wanted to be a woman we were shocked never any sign may he had the major surgeries bottom and top don’t know how they were paid for he was not employed he’s been in and out of the hospital since with so many complications so he got his surgery but now in a wheelchair with a catheter and I can’t begin to describe the horror of what he’s gone throgh but says he’s happy !!!! ( still in the hospital ) battling kidney infection

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As a father, I can't imagine behaving this abusively towards my child, or any child. To publicly condemn your own kids, and demonize their medical care like this... It's tragic enough on its own, but for you to also advocate for others to throw away their relationships with their children is reprehensible.

As a transgender man who transitioned as a young adult, your mischaracterizations and misinformation are absurd. No,.trans people have not suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Some transphobes claimed it was a trend or a phase when I came out 20 years ago. It wasn't true then, and it wasn't true now. Transitioning is what allowed me to become the successful adult, husband, and father I am today. I'm lucky to have a strong community where we support and respect one another both emotionally and physically. That's what love is, and what family is. I so hope your children experience that, in spite of your destructive behavior.

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Verified Customer

Lynn Meagher is a liar, an abuser, a threat to the community. She has several unmedicated mental health / personality disorders that she refuses to get treated while all the rest of us paid the price for 20 years. Meanwhile she thinks she's qualified to tell other people they can't take their medications either even if they want them. Lynn is a poopoo peepee dumb dumb bad humanbeing and I hate her.

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How old are you? Have you been drinking or taking drugs? Anyone who knows Lynn or even just read anything she has written can clearly see where the mental instability is. Are you ever going to grow up and stop blaming mommy for all your problems? Or do you prefer being an unemployed brat who travels to other people's cities to destroy them? When you build something instead of only destroying everything including yourself please let us know.

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Drinking and drugs are great. Takes the mind off how much more mutual aide fundraising i have to do and how many more homeless people I have to radicalize and arm. It's absolutely backbreaking work, but someone has to start the multigenerational revolution. It's gonna really suck to be a landlord in about 40 years. By the way you missed a spot.

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WTF are you even complaining about? Absolutely nothing happened in ALOHA.

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Did you really register your cleaning business to your home address? that's just sloppy. Maybe you're not cut out for activism.

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Are you threatening someone right here on the internet? Reporting your identity now.

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oooh.. fash tears to mix into the terf cocktail in my mug. Go ahead, sit on hold for 3 hours to tell them someone looked up a public record and said it was sloppy.

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Are you drunk? What the hell are you even talking about?

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YES. Someone gave me a bottle of red wine instead of change. 10/10 would recommend.

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guess you should treat your trans kids better or they'll just destroy your city. deal w it.

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Is this how you and Christopher choose to spend snow days? Go find Christopher’s mother online and try to pretend she’s the asshole?

How “miserable” could she possibly be making Christopher, when he’s always the one to initiate contact?

Come collect our TERF tears of laughter. We can “misgender” you and laugh more when you get mad.

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snow day? I live with a pack of feral homeless radical anarchists and catch wifi where I can. They're all snow days.

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You're literally arguing with someone living in a tent with rain freezing on it as we speak but go on.

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something something jesus something compassion something something jesus killed ted wheeler in a ramen shop?

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No such thing as a made up identity like that. This is your memo. Deal with it.

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fuck off. I no longer feel like being civil.

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You never were and you wouldn't even know it if you saw it. Go take a Klonopin lol

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How many accounts did you make? This is some deep psychologically defective behavior. Do you think anyone is being moved by your nonsensical commentary? It does nothing but make us worry about your mental state. Please, go seek help.

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HAHAHAHA CRY TERF CRY! FILL MY DAMN CUP! Also not sure how punching a fed in the face counts as "Destroying a City", but I got those charges dismissed with prejudice and didn't even have to as much as pick up a piece of litter.

*inserts mug to catch more tears*

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You actually punched someone? In your dreams. You are better known for wearing dresses from the 1950's in pastel colors while tooting on a tiny flute to attempt to get attention at a Library event where you could barely lift a finger for all the helplessness you were straining to posture! Honestly...I'm not sure that even shock therapy could save you now since the penile departure but you may want to check that out. All the mental illness seems to be running clearly through those compromised-with-estrogen veins. Very serious as it's been many years now and you chose to be a lifelong medical patient. Who pays all your bill's?

You're lucky your mom hasn't invoiced you for all the trouble you have caused. What a leech on society. An ill-finished male Chris.

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Your boy Milkshake was to coward to do shit. Hear it's not going great for him in FL with the whole 1/6 insurrection and courts and so forth. Not a big fan of prisons but.. like Lynn you all did that to yourselves too.

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Who is Milkshake? Are you attempting to connect my politics with Trump? Trying the old right wing accusatory bullcrap are we? I was a bad ass lesbian helping to gain equal rights for homosexuals before you were even born. Spare me your strange and outdated character attacks as you have no clue who I even am or what I do.

But, I do know your real name which you are too afraid to post with and I do know what you do and where you are. Not smart for someone who has never been an activist but a wanna-be human. Be brave and use your full name here because it's kind of over at this point...

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Come and try to punch me. See what happens. It will be different from your fantasy, I can tell you.

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Christopher, are you enjoying making TERFs laugh?

You will never change your mother’s love for you, just like you can never change the fact that you are a man.



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I think Chris said it all about his mental health with this line: "..a poopoo peepee dumb dumb bad humanbeing and I hate her." !!!! lol!!! It appears he's never evolved passed the first decade of his life!!! He NEVER went through puberty!! And he hadn't even taken blockers!!! Weird, eh?!

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SO happy how many trans youth i'm going to get blockers to so they can be even more beautiful than me. Still working on the angle of how to get a grant for a part of it because I really would like to invite you all to help pay for a bit of it.

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You know Christopher, this copy/paste is so old. You will have your comeuppance. Grow up ya twit. Get a job, get real, get help for your mental aberration.

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Make me. LOL.

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enjoy it while you can.

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Honestly, sir, you are pathetic!

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Ooh so deep. Are you new or just don't have much material yet?

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See you later, going to go give blowjobs to my Black comrades as part of reparations and then cuddle up and tell each other how beautiful we are and draw little swirls in each other's hair as we plan the downfall of civilization as you know it.

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Lynn is my favorite poopoo peepee dumb dumb bad human being 💕

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Just for this I'm going to donate all the change I spange for tomorrow to transgender law center in your fav poopoopeepee adult human females name so she gets lots of calls for more donations.

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"Give me $1 if you hate Transphobes" I bet I collect over $100 in one day.

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bet you didn't

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